
Archive for the ‘Shared space’ Category

Human & Individual

In Cemeteries, Individual, Public, Shared space on March 24, 2014 at 10:17 am

Just as entire gardens of the dead for the living can reflect the immense variety of the life experiences of the dead, so too can memorials, headstones, and markers….


David Crowe’s Stone ring, in Kilkenny limestone with a stainless steel bar


Art and Memory Design


Stone Forest Design’s Water Table


John Das Design


Den Bosch Cemetery, Den Bosch, Holland


“Traditional” but unique: Greta Garbo’s grave in Skogskyrkogården Cemetery, Stockholm.

designed collaboratively by Wilson's long-term associates Peter Saville and Ben Kelly with Paul Barnes and Matt Robertson

designed collaboratively by Wilson’s long-term associates Peter Saville and Ben Kelly with Paul Barnes and Matt Robertson

Designed by  Fred Troller

Designed by Fred Troller

Care to pause, reflect, and enjoy here?

In Cemeteries, Public, Shared space on January 29, 2014 at 9:00 am

Charles Jencks: Metaphysical Landscapes at Jupiter Artland

Ahhhh…spaces for people: the ones who use these spaces…..


Garden Villa Noailles, France


Glenham Circular Landscape Tree

Jas joyce's grave Zurich

James Joyce’s grave Zurich

jefferson-memorial in jeff. gdn. U of Mo.

Jefferson Memorial in Jefferson Garden University of Missouri


Mount Auburn Cemetery

Nitobe Memorial Gardens at the University of British Columbia

Nitobe Memorial Gardens at the University of British Columbia

Stonepath, Newcastle, Northern Ireland

Stonepath, Newcastle, Northern Ireland


Garden in Stuttgart

WebbSchool Knoxville Ky MemorialGarden250_0839215521704

Memorial Garden, Webb School, Knoxville, Ky.

Serene and Magical

In Cemeteries, Public, Shared space, Uncategorized on November 28, 2012 at 3:28 pm

Eveningtime in a cemetery or columbarium or mausoleum can be magical and beautiful.


Skogskyrkgarden, Stockholm


A path in Skogskyrkgarden Cemetery

But my, these images beckon one into a safe, reflective place.


The Helsinki Cemetery at Christmas

Most of these locations are lighted for All Souls Day and Day of the Dead (in Mexico), and Christmas. Here in San Francisco, the National AIDS Memorial Grove is holding its third “Light in the Grove” on November 30, the eve of World AIDS Day.


Nitra Cemetery, Slovakia


Srebrnica Cemetery, Bosnia


Warsaw Cemetery


Canadian Cemetery, Finland


Canadian Cemetery, Holland


Mexico: Day of the Dead


Light in the Grove, National AIDS Memorial Grove


The creek bed through the redwoods, Light in the Grove


The clear tent at Light in the Grove


Here lies magic: view from inside the clear tent, Light in the Grove

So, also think about cemeteries in another way, another time to experience them….

Make us comfortable

In Cemeteries, Pathways, Shared space on June 28, 2012 at 8:12 am

You’re inviting us in, now provide us a place to rest, to contemplate….


Simple materials


Simply but well-designed


Restful places



In Cemeteries, Shared space on December 2, 2010 at 4:05 pm

The National AIDS Memorial Grove, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Entry stone at the National AIDS Memorial Grove

One of the truest and strongest modern expressions of a community’s remembrance of its dead, the National AIDS MEmorial Grove is a stunningly beautiful and moving memorial.

It’s a creation of a community for its lost members. A place of remembrance and message for the present and the future.

The Circle of Friends

So, while I’ve been reiterating the need for humanness in cemeteries to make them living spaces, it only hit me yesterday at the World AIDS Day Observation in the Grove that so many people want and need to remember and to honor the memory of all those who have past before.

Circle of Friends - detail

And each community has different expressions of its needs and its culture.

But when they come together in a beautiful and loving space, they draw deep connection both within their specific community and with the community of the living.

A stairway into the Grove

These spaces can be both at once places of quiet and powerful reflection (and tears too sometimes), and are gifts to the world: here are dear  people who gave important gifts  that may not be given again.

That is the power of communities- and their grace.

Intimate seating in the Grove